
Thursday, March 12, 2015 | 18:39 | 0 comments

Hello there guys~!

I'm just gonna say that I've finished one of my client's commission and she was really happy about it >w< Awh! I wish I could give her my digital ones. But the Digital ones cost more than the Traditional ones.

If I were to do an Art Commission, the Tradtional style would only cost around 3 points(money in DA) while the Digital style cost around 5 points. Yes, their difference are only like 2 points. But do remember that digital are made with laptop and shitz stuff like that and cost crazily hour sometimes O_O" So..That's why digital cost more than traditional unless the person has a really awesome talent for art and can do an artwork like the Mona Lisa portrait..Then they can sale up to 600 points or 10000 points each for their artwork.

But sadly, my art skills aren't up to that level yet so I'm still struggling with what I want in my style and how to make it better.

So, there's only one client left and she wants Lemon, her OC, to be drawn into a chibi~! Yey! This is going to be fun ewe

If any of you guys have DevianArt account and want a very cheap commission, just drop by at my DA page and we can talk about it ~!

Sincerely The Artist,