Monday, December 17, 2012 | 13:26 |
Chapter 1: The last day of school.
The alarm clock rings
as it points at 6:00 a.m. waking up an average girl from her dreadful sleep.
She tosses and turns on her bed as she grumbles about the ringing clock
bothering her beauty sleep. As the ringing went longer and more annoying, the
girl decides that the clock must be crush into tiny little pieces. She sits up
on her bed as her long black messy hair covers almost completely of her face.
She then grabs the ringing alarm clock without bothering to look at it as she
switches off the annoying alarm with just a flick of a switch.
Her eyelids are still
heavily close as the drowsiness from her sleep still controlling her. She
throws her covers aside as she shifts herself lazily to the edge of the bed
shivering from the cool breeze that comes from her AC. She sighs and gets down
from the bed as her feet touches the cold soft green tiles. She then walks
lazily to her dressing table and grabs the comb from the basket as she starts
to comb her hair slowly not wanting to damage her already messy hair from any
more irritating tangles.
The girl then ties her
long hair into high ponytail style as she walks to her wardrobe and takes out
her pink bathrobe and tosses it onto her untidy bed. She unbuttons her pajamas
quickly and then wears the robe as she ties the robes strings into a ribbon.
She then grabs her towel on the chair and walks out from her extremely chilling
cold room to the bathroom. She walks lazily across the dark hallway and stop
for a moment to reach for the light switch, flicking the switch to brighten the
creepy hallway.
“Why does this creepy hallway
always must be so...Dark?” Thought the girl as she continues to walk to the
bathroom door as the floor squeaks and creaks behind her making her walk more
slower and gentler to prevent the noises from getting any louder.
After a few minutes passes by, the girl comes out from the bathroom as
the door opens slowly and droplets begin to fall to the old wooden tile floor,
soaking it with cold water from the morning shower. She wraps her damp towel
around her neck making it like a scarf as she walks back towards to her cold
room. As she walks, a small trail of droplets trails behind her until she
arrives at her room’s door.
She turns the doorknob and pushes the door forward as the door creaks a
little and slowly she walks into the room, shivering a little from cool breeze
yet again brushes on her now moist skin. She neatly place her damp towel on the
same wooden chair again as she walks to her wardrobe and pulls the top drawer,
taking a pair of black shorts and a black singlet as she pushes the drawer back
She puts on her shorts quickly as
she takes off her bathrobe and wears her black singlet. She then takes the
bathrobe and hangs it on a wooden hanger as she puts it back into the wardrobe,
sliding the wardrobe’s door open and hangs it in the robe onto a white metal
bar. After that, she browser her wardrobe to find her black school uniform as
she mumbles about being late on the last day of her school days.
Searching and searching, she finally said to herself that her uniform is
not in the wardrobe as she shakes her head, grabbing the wide-open wardrobe’s door and slides it back closing it with a
thud. She grumbles as she walks out from her room to head downstairs. As she
opens the door with a creek, she sees her uniform hanging on her doorknob.
“Perfect, just what I need a while ago!” Thought the girl smiling as she takes
the uniform from the doorknob and wears it quickly, seeing the clock ticking
its time saying to her that she will be late if she does not act fast.
She then takes a pair
of black long socks and puts it on quickly as she struggles with herself. After
that, she look herself in the mirror and pulls out her hair band as she brushes
her hair quickly and putting some hair oil on it, making her hair looks a bit
damp and shines from the lights shining onto her. She looks herself into the
mirror for the last time making everything look perfect for her own
satisfaction. “Well…Everything looks okay on the hair, face and
uniform…Right…Time to go! Don’t want to be late…Again!” Says the girl as she
skips to her school bag and picks it up, strapping it onto her back firmly then walks out
from her room once again.
The girl closes the door behind her and walks down the wooden floor
stairs as she walks towards to the kitchen. She goes in and takes a seat next
to his brother, Zurl. To her right, she sees her father is reading today’s
newspaper as usual. “So...Today is your last day of school, isn’t it?” Ask his
oldest brother, Zack. As he sip some of his coffee from his cup, looking at his
sister with a warm smile carve on his lips. “Uh...Yeah...” Replies the girl as
she laughs nervously to fill the empty spaces on her words.
“I hope you will get the best in your results, Rin. We all are counting
on you. For the sake of your future lives depends on it greatly.
Seriously...Don’t mess this one up...” Says Zack as he takes a bite on his
breakfast, eyeing on his dear sister making Rin looks more even nervous than
before. Rin quickly looks to her arrive breakfast meal and dines it as she
takes the spoon and the fork that are place on the plate. “I hope this food taste good as it looks like.” Thoughts Airin quietly
as she takes a bite of the white eggs. “Hmm...Yummy~” Says Airin happily as she
continues to eat the meal without stopping for tasting more the rich and
delicious flavour of her so call ‘rich and heavenly’ meal.
“Somehow she sounded like she is
ignoring the important words.” Thought both Zack and Zurl as they both
sighs and shakes their heads in disbelieve for the usual reaction they always
get from giving their dear sister some advices. “At least nothing has change.”
Says Zack chuckling as he takes another bite on his toast. “Yes...You are most
certainly right about that!” Replies Airin giggling as she crunches her food to
pieces in her mouth, and then swallows it into her esophagus. “Ah! This meal is
delicious!” Says Airin again smiling at her mother, which is washing her dirty
hands at the sink with running water from the pipe. “Thank you, dear. Do you
want to bring it as your lunch? I can pack it up for you, if you want.” Replies
her mother sweetly as she wipes her wet hands onto her dry cloth apron and
walks to the cupboards to get the bento box.
“Sure, why not? I will surely eat it again in the afternoon. Mom, can
you use the box that has red roses pattern on it. That is my favourite bento
box!” Says Airin again, smiling to her mother once more as she tries to lighten
up the kitchen in the early tiredly morning. “Alright, now...Where did I put
that bento box again? Oh...Here it is!” Replies her sweet mother with her warm
voice as she takes Rin favourite bento box and fills it up with her lunch meal.
She then puts the bento box onto the dining table and covers it with its lead.
“Here you go, Rin.” Says Rin’s mother as she takes a sit beside her loving
“This will help me saving my lunch
money more~” Thought Airin evilly, smirking like a Cheshire cat. Suddenly,
something runs by into her wicked mind making her go snap like a branch on a
tree. “Then again...Today is the LAST day of school for me.” Thought
Airin again, frowning like a little child she is. She grabs the bento box and
carefully places it in her school bag next to her water bottle that she puts it
at the right corner of her bag. Looking up at the kitchen’s ticking clock, Airin’s
eyes widen as she sees something horrible on the screen of the clock. It shows
6.30 am as the thinner red hand ticks quickly passing the others two black
“I AM SO LATE!” Shouts Airin as she grabs her bag on the dining table
and quickly gets up from her seat and run to the front door like her life is
depending on it. “Have a nice school day, honey! Be careful! I love you!”
Shouts Airin’s mother from the kitchen. “Okay! Love you too, mom! I’m off!”
Replies back Airin shouting to her mother on the front door as she quickly puts
on her school shoes.
She straps her bag onto her back and turns the doorknob, opening the
front door to the outside world. As the door creeks open, she quickly walks out
from her house without wasting any time. She closes the door behind her with a
thud and walks up to her front tall gates. Unlocking the locks with the correct
keys, she slides the right side of the gate open and walks out, then slide it
back in to close the huge yet tall gates. As she closes it, she suddenly notices
a small door carve onto the black at the left side of the tall gates. “...I didn’t see that...Why?” Ask Airin to
herself as she walks away from her house shaking her head and calling herself
names in her own mind. “I am such
an...Idiot...” Mutter Airin softly under her breath as she starts to walk,
taking the same path as before going to the school on every weekdays mornings.
As she walks along the side road, she sees a light fog covering the
other side of the road. Rin only blink as she continues to walk into the fog
without a doubt. “Just a fog...Nothing
else...” Says Airin to herself, as she looks around her while crossing over
to get to the other side of the road. Passing the cold, light fog, she suddenly
hears footstep from behind. Tack...Tack...Tack...The
rhythm goes continuously, making her feeling...Uneasy...As someone
is...Following her...Watching her from behind...She dares to not look behind,
remembering it will only worsen her situation and her nervous breakdown.
Trying to distract herself from her fear, she goes into her so call
‘Dreamland’ in her mind. Imagining herself somewhere else, but her ‘Dreamland’
suddenly changes from fantasy to a new world of...Nightmare, the only place
that kept her insane with horrible stuff that she keeps for herself. Sometimes,
it makes her happy. Yet sometimes, it makes her shake with fear. She suddenly
sees all of her surroundings decaying, leaves falling from the trees, grasses
wilting and the sky turns darker from before.
As she remembers her ‘Reality’, fog begins to cover her ‘Dreamland’,
making it hard for her to picture the surroundings that are now carve on her
new image. Shocking from imagining it all, she tries to adapt herself into the
new world that her mind creates it for her to play in. Looking all around her
seeing only plain heavy fogs, she then sees a small shadow from afar. Adjusting
her sight, she tries to figure out what is it from only the shape it gives. “A...Tree...? Maybe so...But...Why does it
look like...It is...MOVING? A man perhaps, in my own ‘playground’? That...No...It
is not possible...This is MY world. I do not share them with others! But who is
this ‘stranger’...” Thought Airin for a moment as she thinks deeply while
tapping her white soft chin with her thin tiny finger.
Letting her own guard down as she thinks, the dark figure slowly moves
closer to her, stepping closer and closer as the cold wind blows and the fog
begins to thicken. As the wind brushes her soft white pale skin, she shivers
from the cold and are now back in her own world. Seeing the fog becoming
thicker than before, she remember a story that was once been told by her late
grandmother about fogs and man or ‘thing’. However, her memories cannot recall
the exact details of the story because she only listen to it once when she only
a mere child at that time.
“...Eh...Where did that ‘stranger’ go...?” Whisper Airin to herself as
she look to her left and right to find the missing man. “I could have sworn that he stood there a second ago...Maybe he went
home...? However, there is no road to go back. How did he...May...Maybe I am
just dreaming like am I now...Yes...I just...Have to blink twice and I am awake
from my own world. Okay...Focus...”
Thought Airin as she takes a deep breath and tries to focus to ‘get out’
from her own world. She blinks twice quickly, feeling uneasy for no reason. She
quickly run towards to her school building not far away from her as she see the
school’s building top roof. “ALMOST THERE!” She screams aloud, trying to make
herself braver and run even faster than before to get there sooner.
She reaches at the front school gates minutes later, sweating and
huffing for some air to breathe in. “Uh...Gah...Phew...I am now saved!” Says Airin
cheerfully as she slightly brushes her clothes off from any dust and walk
straight into the school area as some pupil looks at her. “I just hate people...Especially when they do...This kind of stuff to
me...” Thought Airin to herself as she sighs and look down just like she
always do. Walking around while looking at the ground, she suddenly hears
footsteps running towards to her.
“Airin! Airin!” Yells a voice from behind. She looks up then looks to
her right as she sees a girl about her age is waving and running towards her. She
stops at her track and turns around to meet her ‘twin’. “Airin! It is good to
see you again! How have you been? Good? I am bored if you are not around with
me. Nevertheless, thank god we can still meet to get our results! Hehehe.” Says
Jeanne once again as she smiles to her ‘twin’. “Yeah, lets go! We don’t want to
be late to get our results now.” Replies Airin back as she holds Jeanne’s hand
as they both side by side walk to their school hall.
“I hope we pass our exams like we
promise!” Says Jeanne again, as she jumps up and down like a rabbit.
“Yeah...Hope so!” Replies Airin smiling, as she looks straight to focus on
where they both are going. “Everyone must be waiting for us at the school hall!
I am so excited from just walking here with you!” Says Jeanne giggling as she
looks at Airin’s serious face. “Hey...Why so serious...?” Ask Jeanne again as
she pokes Airin’s cheek with her finger. Airin just smile at her friend and
suddenly tackles her friend. “I’m just kidding! Rawr! Tackle attack!” Yells
Airin giggling and laughing with her ‘twin’ as they both quicken their steps to
the school hall.
Labels: 12th July, Apocalypse, Bloody, Gore, Horror, Humour, Rot and flesh, Survival, Undead, Zombies
Monday, December 17, 2012 | 13:26 |
Chapter 1: The last day of school.
The alarm clock rings
as it points at 6:00 a.m. waking up an average girl from her dreadful sleep.
She tosses and turns on her bed as she grumbles about the ringing clock
bothering her beauty sleep. As the ringing went longer and more annoying, the
girl decides that the clock must be crush into tiny little pieces. She sits up
on her bed as her long black messy hair covers almost completely of her face.
She then grabs the ringing alarm clock without bothering to look at it as she
switches off the annoying alarm with just a flick of a switch.
Her eyelids are still
heavily close as the drowsiness from her sleep still controlling her. She
throws her covers aside as she shifts herself lazily to the edge of the bed
shivering from the cool breeze that comes from her AC. She sighs and gets down
from the bed as her feet touches the cold soft green tiles. She then walks
lazily to her dressing table and grabs the comb from the basket as she starts
to comb her hair slowly not wanting to damage her already messy hair from any
more irritating tangles.
The girl then ties her
long hair into high ponytail style as she walks to her wardrobe and takes out
her pink bathrobe and tosses it onto her untidy bed. She unbuttons her pajamas
quickly and then wears the robe as she ties the robes strings into a ribbon.
She then grabs her towel on the chair and walks out from her extremely chilling
cold room to the bathroom. She walks lazily across the dark hallway and stop
for a moment to reach for the light switch, flicking the switch to brighten the
creepy hallway.
“Why does this creepy hallway
always must be so...Dark?” Thought the girl as she continues to walk to the
bathroom door as the floor squeaks and creaks behind her making her walk more
slower and gentler to prevent the noises from getting any louder.
After a few minutes passes by, the girl comes out from the bathroom as
the door opens slowly and droplets begin to fall to the old wooden tile floor,
soaking it with cold water from the morning shower. She wraps her damp towel
around her neck making it like a scarf as she walks back towards to her cold
room. As she walks, a small trail of droplets trails behind her until she
arrives at her room’s door.
She turns the doorknob and pushes the door forward as the door creaks a
little and slowly she walks into the room, shivering a little from cool breeze
yet again brushes on her now moist skin. She neatly place her damp towel on the
same wooden chair again as she walks to her wardrobe and pulls the top drawer,
taking a pair of black shorts and a black singlet as she pushes the drawer back
She puts on her shorts quickly as
she takes off her bathrobe and wears her black singlet. She then takes the
bathrobe and hangs it on a wooden hanger as she puts it back into the wardrobe,
sliding the wardrobe’s door open and hangs it in the robe onto a white metal
bar. After that, she browser her wardrobe to find her black school uniform as
she mumbles about being late on the last day of her school days.
Searching and searching, she finally said to herself that her uniform is
not in the wardrobe as she shakes her head, grabbing the wide-open wardrobe’s door and slides it back closing it with a
thud. She grumbles as she walks out from her room to head downstairs. As she
opens the door with a creek, she sees her uniform hanging on her doorknob.
“Perfect, just what I need a while ago!” Thought the girl smiling as she takes
the uniform from the doorknob and wears it quickly, seeing the clock ticking
its time saying to her that she will be late if she does not act fast.
She then takes a pair
of black long socks and puts it on quickly as she struggles with herself. After
that, she look herself in the mirror and pulls out her hair band as she brushes
her hair quickly and putting some hair oil on it, making her hair looks a bit
damp and shines from the lights shining onto her. She looks herself into the
mirror for the last time making everything look perfect for her own
satisfaction. “Well…Everything looks okay on the hair, face and
uniform…Right…Time to go! Don’t want to be late…Again!” Says the girl as she
skips to her school bag and picks it up, strapping it onto her back firmly then walks out
from her room once again.
The girl closes the door behind her and walks down the wooden floor
stairs as she walks towards to the kitchen. She goes in and takes a seat next
to his brother, Zurl. To her right, she sees her father is reading today’s
newspaper as usual. “So...Today is your last day of school, isn’t it?” Ask his
oldest brother, Zack. As he sip some of his coffee from his cup, looking at his
sister with a warm smile carve on his lips. “Uh...Yeah...” Replies the girl as
she laughs nervously to fill the empty spaces on her words.
“I hope you will get the best in your results, Rin. We all are counting
on you. For the sake of your future lives depends on it greatly.
Seriously...Don’t mess this one up...” Says Zack as he takes a bite on his
breakfast, eyeing on his dear sister making Rin looks more even nervous than
before. Rin quickly looks to her arrive breakfast meal and dines it as she
takes the spoon and the fork that are place on the plate. “I hope this food taste good as it looks like.” Thoughts Airin quietly
as she takes a bite of the white eggs. “Hmm...Yummy~” Says Airin happily as she
continues to eat the meal without stopping for tasting more the rich and
delicious flavour of her so call ‘rich and heavenly’ meal.
“Somehow she sounded like she is
ignoring the important words.” Thought both Zack and Zurl as they both
sighs and shakes their heads in disbelieve for the usual reaction they always
get from giving their dear sister some advices. “At least nothing has change.”
Says Zack chuckling as he takes another bite on his toast. “Yes...You are most
certainly right about that!” Replies Airin giggling as she crunches her food to
pieces in her mouth, and then swallows it into her esophagus. “Ah! This meal is
delicious!” Says Airin again smiling at her mother, which is washing her dirty
hands at the sink with running water from the pipe. “Thank you, dear. Do you
want to bring it as your lunch? I can pack it up for you, if you want.” Replies
her mother sweetly as she wipes her wet hands onto her dry cloth apron and
walks to the cupboards to get the bento box.
“Sure, why not? I will surely eat it again in the afternoon. Mom, can
you use the box that has red roses pattern on it. That is my favourite bento
box!” Says Airin again, smiling to her mother once more as she tries to lighten
up the kitchen in the early tiredly morning. “Alright, now...Where did I put
that bento box again? Oh...Here it is!” Replies her sweet mother with her warm
voice as she takes Rin favourite bento box and fills it up with her lunch meal.
She then puts the bento box onto the dining table and covers it with its lead.
“Here you go, Rin.” Says Rin’s mother as she takes a sit beside her loving
“This will help me saving my lunch
money more~” Thought Airin evilly, smirking like a Cheshire cat. Suddenly,
something runs by into her wicked mind making her go snap like a branch on a
tree. “Then again...Today is the LAST day of school for me.” Thought
Airin again, frowning like a little child she is. She grabs the bento box and
carefully places it in her school bag next to her water bottle that she puts it
at the right corner of her bag. Looking up at the kitchen’s ticking clock, Airin’s
eyes widen as she sees something horrible on the screen of the clock. It shows
6.30 am as the thinner red hand ticks quickly passing the others two black
“I AM SO LATE!” Shouts Airin as she grabs her bag on the dining table
and quickly gets up from her seat and run to the front door like her life is
depending on it. “Have a nice school day, honey! Be careful! I love you!”
Shouts Airin’s mother from the kitchen. “Okay! Love you too, mom! I’m off!”
Replies back Airin shouting to her mother on the front door as she quickly puts
on her school shoes.
She straps her bag onto her back and turns the doorknob, opening the
front door to the outside world. As the door creeks open, she quickly walks out
from her house without wasting any time. She closes the door behind her with a
thud and walks up to her front tall gates. Unlocking the locks with the correct
keys, she slides the right side of the gate open and walks out, then slide it
back in to close the huge yet tall gates. As she closes it, she suddenly notices
a small door carve onto the black at the left side of the tall gates. “...I didn’t see that...Why?” Ask Airin to
herself as she walks away from her house shaking her head and calling herself
names in her own mind. “I am such
an...Idiot...” Mutter Airin softly under her breath as she starts to walk,
taking the same path as before going to the school on every weekdays mornings.
As she walks along the side road, she sees a light fog covering the
other side of the road. Rin only blink as she continues to walk into the fog
without a doubt. “Just a fog...Nothing
else...” Says Airin to herself, as she looks around her while crossing over
to get to the other side of the road. Passing the cold, light fog, she suddenly
hears footstep from behind. Tack...Tack...Tack...The
rhythm goes continuously, making her feeling...Uneasy...As someone
is...Following her...Watching her from behind...She dares to not look behind,
remembering it will only worsen her situation and her nervous breakdown.
Trying to distract herself from her fear, she goes into her so call
‘Dreamland’ in her mind. Imagining herself somewhere else, but her ‘Dreamland’
suddenly changes from fantasy to a new world of...Nightmare, the only place
that kept her insane with horrible stuff that she keeps for herself. Sometimes,
it makes her happy. Yet sometimes, it makes her shake with fear. She suddenly
sees all of her surroundings decaying, leaves falling from the trees, grasses
wilting and the sky turns darker from before.
As she remembers her ‘Reality’, fog begins to cover her ‘Dreamland’,
making it hard for her to picture the surroundings that are now carve on her
new image. Shocking from imagining it all, she tries to adapt herself into the
new world that her mind creates it for her to play in. Looking all around her
seeing only plain heavy fogs, she then sees a small shadow from afar. Adjusting
her sight, she tries to figure out what is it from only the shape it gives. “A...Tree...? Maybe so...But...Why does it
look like...It is...MOVING? A man perhaps, in my own ‘playground’? That...No...It
is not possible...This is MY world. I do not share them with others! But who is
this ‘stranger’...” Thought Airin for a moment as she thinks deeply while
tapping her white soft chin with her thin tiny finger.
Letting her own guard down as she thinks, the dark figure slowly moves
closer to her, stepping closer and closer as the cold wind blows and the fog
begins to thicken. As the wind brushes her soft white pale skin, she shivers
from the cold and are now back in her own world. Seeing the fog becoming
thicker than before, she remember a story that was once been told by her late
grandmother about fogs and man or ‘thing’. However, her memories cannot recall
the exact details of the story because she only listen to it once when she only
a mere child at that time.
“...Eh...Where did that ‘stranger’ go...?” Whisper Airin to herself as
she look to her left and right to find the missing man. “I could have sworn that he stood there a second ago...Maybe he went
home...? However, there is no road to go back. How did he...May...Maybe I am
just dreaming like am I now...Yes...I just...Have to blink twice and I am awake
from my own world. Okay...Focus...”
Thought Airin as she takes a deep breath and tries to focus to ‘get out’
from her own world. She blinks twice quickly, feeling uneasy for no reason. She
quickly run towards to her school building not far away from her as she see the
school’s building top roof. “ALMOST THERE!” She screams aloud, trying to make
herself braver and run even faster than before to get there sooner.
She reaches at the front school gates minutes later, sweating and
huffing for some air to breathe in. “Uh...Gah...Phew...I am now saved!” Says Airin
cheerfully as she slightly brushes her clothes off from any dust and walk
straight into the school area as some pupil looks at her. “I just hate people...Especially when they do...This kind of stuff to
me...” Thought Airin to herself as she sighs and look down just like she
always do. Walking around while looking at the ground, she suddenly hears
footsteps running towards to her.
“Airin! Airin!” Yells a voice from behind. She looks up then looks to
her right as she sees a girl about her age is waving and running towards her. She
stops at her track and turns around to meet her ‘twin’. “Airin! It is good to
see you again! How have you been? Good? I am bored if you are not around with
me. Nevertheless, thank god we can still meet to get our results! Hehehe.” Says
Jeanne once again as she smiles to her ‘twin’. “Yeah, lets go! We don’t want to
be late to get our results now.” Replies Airin back as she holds Jeanne’s hand
as they both side by side walk to their school hall.
“I hope we pass our exams like we
promise!” Says Jeanne again, as she jumps up and down like a rabbit.
“Yeah...Hope so!” Replies Airin smiling, as she looks straight to focus on
where they both are going. “Everyone must be waiting for us at the school hall!
I am so excited from just walking here with you!” Says Jeanne giggling as she
looks at Airin’s serious face. “Hey...Why so serious...?” Ask Jeanne again as
she pokes Airin’s cheek with her finger. Airin just smile at her friend and
suddenly tackles her friend. “I’m just kidding! Rawr! Tackle attack!” Yells
Airin giggling and laughing with her ‘twin’ as they both quicken their steps to
the school hall.
Labels: 12th July, Apocalypse, Bloody, Gore, Horror, Humour, Rot and flesh, Survival, Undead, Zombies



Name: ZaRiNa
Famous as: Erich
Birthday: July 12
~> Hobbyist-Artist (night of weekdays,rarely now)
~> Full time hobbyist-artist / Gamer (weekends,now with books in arms)
Hobbies: Swimming, Eating, Sleeping, Sketching, Writing, Blogging, Reading~!
Where YOU can find me(usually):
~>DeviantART (link)<~ I am always here
My email : zarina.jabeli@yahoo.com
Favourite GAMES!: Resident Evil 5 and 6, Splatter House, Shadow Tag, Slender The 8 Pages, Sims 3, Fatal Frame 2 and 3, Obscure 2, Alice Madness Returns, Sleeping Dogs, Harry Potter and The Half-Blooded Prince, Bayonetta, Final Fantasy 10, Silent Hill 2 and 3(SCARY AND DISTURBING), Ju-On The Grudge, Calling, Zombi-U, Assassin Creed game series, Thief, Lollipop Chainsaw, Bioshock 2, Battlefield 4, Modern Warfare 3,Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Left 4 Dead 1 & 2, Dead Space 3
Favourite books: True Singapore Ghost Stories all series, Valdmire Todd all series, ZOM-B, Journey To The Centre Of The Earth, Mysterious Island, Around The world In 80 Days, From Earth To The Moon, Stephen King; The Shining, Assassin's Creed book series, How To Kill Your Boss
Favourite Gaming Platform: XBox 360(my soulmate), Wii Nitendo, PS2, PC
Tools of Trade(Writing): Notebook, Papers, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Laptop, Window Microsoft, Internet (the mother of all research and good inspiration of musics to my ears~!)
Tools of Trade(Art): Pencil, Paper, Sketch book, Bamboo Tablet, Photoshop CS6, Phone Camera, My left hand (That is how I create the arts)
Favourite style using for Arts: Anime/Chibi (My very own style)
Favourite Quote(Customer): Please don't rush me! I'm a slow worker but the result is amazing if you wait and I have my own style!
Favourite Quote(Personal use): The harder you're struggling, the closer you are to the success.
The Artist,

Art Requests / Commissions
Welcome To The Request Button. How may I assist you~?
Hey there~! This is my Request/Commission section, if you want anything that involves in anime or chibi concept art style, please just ask away by clicking on the 'Request button here'~!
If you want any request, you SHOULD CHECK the artist drawings first because not every artist have the same methods in doing their work. Some of them uses bases like the professionals do, some of them just sketch it all up but still look nice in the eye, and some of them uses Chibis to maximize the cuteness of their characters. So do some research first. Any more further question about the request, you can just ask away in the comment box section and I will reply back to you A.S.A.P.
Intro about the artist;
My style are mostly in animes and chibis. Sadly, I cannot do any specific backgrounds and poses, because it is a bit hard (I'm still inexperience,okay?). I'm so sorry to inform you about that, I hope you are still with me on this.
If you could, please tell me about your lovely character(s)(obviously you Original Characters), sometimes their story can give me great ideas on how they look like or even their 'auras'.
I only do sketches and digital arts for my works. No, I don't use paint nor crayons because it is very messy. So I won't take anymore chances on messing up work that is or are already messed up.
My drawing style;
Animes and Chibis (mostly sketch or half coloured,meaning I don't colour the skin)
Types and tools that I use to do my work;
~>Traditional Art;
Pencil, Pen and Paper(A4 or Sketch paper)
~>Digital Art;
Photoshop CS6
What I CAN draw;
Original characters <~ I usually do this type of request
Fan Arts (but I need reference and the conditions)
Dark, Bloody, Gory, Adorable, Fluff, etc...
Light yaoi
Capturing the moments (For example, your OC screamed when he or she sees something he or she is afraid of.)
Portraits (I will try my best on this type)
What I CANNOT or DO NOT draw; (sorry about this, folks)
Hardcore Yaoi/Yuri,Hentai
Full robotic body parts (That is very detailed! So, I must decline your request)
Clean/clear digital line art (I have a shaky hand =.=")
Muscular figures (It is too complicated thus, I cannot once more! )
Other than cats and dogs, I cannot do animals.
Detailed portrait/Realism art (Have mercy on my art skills...)
My anime sketch style
My chibi sketch style

My digital art style

Please send me an email with a title of 'Request'.(My email address is ; zarina.jabeli@yahoo.com )
Give me some details about what you want for your art commission/request.(So I know what I need to do in my work)
Please fill in this forum for your Request / Commission; (This is for OCs if you want them to be commissioned)
Character's name:
Commission type: Anime or Chibi (please choose)
Instruction : (example: eye color,accessories,scar(if any),tattoo (if any),clothes design etc..)
Picture reference: (This will help me better if you have it)
Character description: (exp: grumpy/ cheerful/ happy-go-lucky etc...)
Email address: (So I can send it to you more easily)
Before getting to work, let have some chit-chat about our business together. Don't worry, I am a very friendly little girl. I'm not going to eat you up, I promise that.
Please be patience for your Artwork.
If you want to check more of my work of arts, please go to my 'DevianART' button section and check out my Gallery.
Yellow, people~!
