
Sunday, April 6, 2014 | 22:57 | 0 comments

Hey there guys~!:iconsayhiplz:

 This is what happen when I transform my daily life event into a comic strip...Yeah I know, I was too lazy to make it look VERY good so I just make it look simple but still look good to the eye...I'm so SORRY for the Assassin creed logo for being so....Weird...It was a fast sketch and believe me, it was hard enough to maintain myself from destroying it any further without noticing. :iconrelievedplz:

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the comic strip I have drawn, I'm sorry if it isn't GOOD enough =3=....I'm sorry, my mood is a bit down than this morning and I don't know why...Hmmm maybe the period is kicking in...Meh...:iconboredomplz:

If you don't understand the comic strip, you check here for the script that I've made ~> I'm Not Alone Anymore! (Click here)

Bye bye for now~! :iconbaibaiplz:

The Writer and An Artist,