Saturday, July 13, 2013 | 19:49 | 0 comments
As the final session of the school ends, the school
bell rings throughout the hallways, echoing through the empty void that are now
fill with students, rushing through the halls laughing and walking with their
groups and friends.
In the now empty and silent classroom a girl with a long
black hair, wearing a dark purple gown and a black legging covering her legs,
tapping her feet in a rhythm while the thudding sound echoes throughout the
classroom from her black boots.
Humming to her favourite song while doing her
homework, she chuckles as she finishes the last question and throws her
mechanical pencil on the desk, then throwing both of her hands up high to the
“Yey! I finally finish my math homework~!” yells the
girl excitingly as she chuckles to her own achievement.
Standing up from her seat as the chair shift backs
from the force, she then begins to tidy up her things and place it inside her
‘I can’t wait to get home and play with my Snow~!’
thought the girl happily as she takes her bag and strap in around her back.
She then walks out from the classroom as she closes
the door from behind with a slight thud.
Walking in a void of a deserted hallway, the girl
just slightly carve a smile upon her lips, thinking about the day after
tomorrow that she would have fun doing nothing but sleep long in her own house.
No need to worry about school work or the problems that the school has cause
upon her.
Her steps suddenly pause, as she hears someone
giggles and whispers along the way. Still looking at the ground, she slightly
looks up and sees a pair of white shoes, cover slightly in dirt, making the
white colour faintly fades away.
“Well, well~ Look at what we have here~” says a
voice in front of the girl. The quiet girl just clutches her bare hands as she
slowly looks up, to the owner’s voice.
Standing firmly in front of her, a girl wearing a
stylish singlet with tight shorts looks at her with a mocking smile on her.
“Studying again Rin~? Oh what a good girl you are~!”
laughs the girl as her friends walks up beside her, giving Rin the same mocking
smile on their lips.
“Looky looky, isn’t this Miss Know-It-All. What a
coincident to meet you here.” says a girl with the same clothes as the first
but ties her hair in a ponytail.
Rin only stare at their faces as she slightly yawn
and point at them with her thin finger.
“Look Cherry, Felicia, Olivia. I don’t want any
trouble, so could you just step aside and let me pass through?” says Rin
quietly as she lazily blink, putting on an expressionless face for them.
“Oh no~! We’re blocking the princess’s path. What do
you say girls? Let her pass?” laughs Cherry, the group leader once more as she
looks to her friends and smiles back to Rin in a mocking way.
“No~” reply Felicia and Olivia as they laugh and
smile at Cheery.
“Sorry missy but you aren’t going nowhere.” says
Cheery as she walks up to Rin and circles her, like a hawk.
Rin just sighs silently as she just keeps her head
down, trying not to make anymore eye-contact with the girls.
“Oh, what’s wrong little princess? Are you scared~?
Hahahahahhahah!” says Cherry again as she pushes Rin’s shoulders with a little
force, making Rin slightly backs away from the sudden push.
Rin just stays quiet as before as she bites her
bottom lips, wishing that the girls would finally get bored and leave her be.
Just for once, she doesn’t want to make any more trouble with them. Just for
once, they would leave her alone.
“Dawh~! Is the princess going to cry? Buu huu. What
a wimp! Ha-Ha!” mocks Felicia as she walks up to Rin and pulls her long black
hair from behind with just one hand.
Rin flinch from a sudden pain as she could feel her
hair is being tug from behind. Shutting her eyes tightly, she hopes that the
girls who bully her just die from a gruesome death.
“Oh look at her, shutting her eyes trying to make us
disappear~. Well missy, that doesn’t work in the real world.” laughs Cheery
wickedly as she places both of her hands onto Rin’s shoulders, gripping it
tightly making Rin flitch more from the pain.
“Girls...I think we’re going to have...A little fun with her.” says Cheery as she
cracks a grin on her pink lips and looks at Olivia.
“Olive...Would you mind be a dear and drag this wimp
into her own classroom? Treat her nicely
now, we don’t want to scratch her beautiful skin, don’t we?” mock Cheery as she
pushes Rin again, making her fall onto the hard concrete.
Olivia just smile as she grabs hold onto Rin’s arm
and pulls her up, tugging her arm harshly trying to make Rin stand back on her
two feet.
Rin grunts a little but only obeys as she walks back
to her classroom now with the three bullies by her side. Tormenting her school
life just like last year, only . . . Different and crueller than before.
Shutting the door behind them, Olivia pushes Rin as
she falls again to the hard concrete floor, grunting in pain as she holds onto
the nearest desk to support herself to stand up.
“Dawh~ you made her fall again, but don’t worry the
fun is just getting started.” Cheery said as she looks at her gang and nods her
Olivia and Felicia just nod back as they turn to Rin
and grins widely to her, making Rin tremble in fright.
“Oh don’t worry little missy, you’ll be seated on a
nice comfy chair.” says Olivia as she grabs hold on Rin’s arm again and drags
her to the nearest chair.
Rin begins struggles to escape from the madness she
is in by pulling her arms from the strong grip and struggles more to weaken the
Felicia quickly helps Olivia as she yanks Rin’s hair
from behind, making Rin stops squirming instantly as she tries to restrain the
sudden pain on her head.
“You aren’t so tough after pulling your hair huh?”
mocks Felicia as she pulls it harder than before, making Rin’s head yank to the
back a little.
Squirming in such pain, warm tears begin to scroll
down on Rin’s pale cheeks as she whimpers quietly under her breath.
“Oh look, Felicia. She’s crying. We haven’t started
the fun but yet she is crying from just a little tease. What a cry baby!”
laughs Olivia as she harshly pulls Rin up to the chair, making her land herself
onto a chair.
Whimpering from such a harsh tease, Rin covers her
eyes with both of her hands, wishing that the bullies just die. Repeating the
word ‘just die’ over and over again in her now broken mind, she slowly drifts
into her own Wonderland just like before, trying to run away once more from
such agony in life.
Deceive with such act, Cherry move to Rin and raise
her hand up high. Slapping Rin’s cheek with such force, it leaves a bruise on
the pale cheek as it reddens on such a pale skin.
“Wake up, you little brat!” screams Cherry in
annoyance, glaring at Rin with a pair of deadly eyes.
Rin quickly sends back into the reality world after
hearing such a scream, further more it almost make her deaf!
“Well...Now that you’re finally here. Why don’t we
just start and play a game, shall we?” says Cherry sweetly, but thickly twist
with such mocking and anger.
“Girls... Would you mind locking all the doors? We
don’t want any interruption, don’t we?” ask Cherry as she looks to both of her
girls and carves up a sinister smile.
Olivia nod and smiles back as she jogs around the
classroom, locking every door that she found and making it more effecting, blocking
it with the nearest desk that she could found around her.
“All set, Cherry...And now...For the fun...” laughs
Olivia as she walks up to both Rin and Cherry.
“Good...” says Cheery in a deep voice.
Hearing such a voice, Rin eyes widen as she could
predict what would happen to her if she wouldn’t escape from this torturing hell
any minute.
Glancing quickly around the room, she plans her way
out as she makes every second count.
“Are you ready to have some...Fun~?” says Cheery as
she stares directly into Rin’s eyes, giving a sinister smirk for a twist to her
sweet words.
Without realising, her arms are held firmly by
Olivia and Felicia from both of the sides as she could feel her arms are being pulled
harshly to make her seat still and not doing anything foolish to ruin their
“Well girls, what are you waiting for? Dig in!”
shouts Cheery as she punches Rin in the stomach without any warning.
Feeling a sudden impact on her stomach, Rin shuts
her eyes tightly as her eyes begin to water once again, trying to hold out the
scream and the agony from the sudden blow.
“Oh, this is so much fun than last year!” says
Cheery in excitement as she grips on Rin’s front hair and yanks the poor girl’s
head, forcing the girl to look at her as she could see some tears flowing from
her eyes.
“My my, crying again?” chuckles Cherry as she carves
a mocking smile on her lips.
“Stop...Please...Stop!” whimpers Rin as she begins
to break into tears.
“Stop? Oh, are you begging now brat?” says Cherry
mockingly as she lets go of Rin’s hair and slap her on the face.
Laughing madly as she enjoys hearing Rin’s cry,
Felicia and Olivia joins in the laugh as they all take turns torturing Rin with
their sick actions.
After feeling like hours of being tormented by the
girls, they finally put a halt to their actions as Cherry reaches out into her
beg and pulls out a shivering and meowing kitten.
Throwing her beg aside, she holds the kitten firmly
with her free hand and shoves it in front of Rin’s bruises face.
“Look what I’ve brought for you~.” says Cherry as
her laughs echoes in the classroom.
Lifting her head slowly despite from such pain, she
sees an innocent kitten in front her, meowing and shivering. ‘Poor kitty...’
she thought painfully as she winced slightly from the pain that struck her
“Cute isn’t it?” ask Cherry as she smiles and pet
the kitten.
“But it won’t last long...” says Cherry as she puts
back on her sinister smile and drops the poor, innocent kitten to hard and cold
“Say bye bye~!” laughs Cherry, lifting up her leg
and aims it right beneath the kitten. Without waiting for any reply from Rin,
Cherry stomps on the innocent young kitten as it dies instantly from the blow
and blood splatters everywhere on the floor.
Rin’s eyes widen as she could only witness the
horrible and gruesome death of an innocent kitten, playing the sickly scene over
and over again in her broken mind.
“Hahahahahhahah!” laughs Cherry sinisterly as she
squishes the now dead kitten once more with her heel, making more blood flows
out ending up pooling the corpse with its own fresh blood.
Blackout from such a sickly scene, ‘something’ takes
over Rin’s body as it begins to laugh hysterically making the girls slightly
jump from the high pitch laugh coming out from Rin’s mouth.
“W-What the!” curse Olivia as all of them takes a
step back from Rin.
Feeling freed from a force, Rin stands up as she
takes off her spectacles and place it on the nearest desk. Then she begins to
walk towards Cherry as the girl tremble away from the now different Rin in front of her own eyes.
Lifting her face as her right eye is cover
underneath her front hair; she gives back a sinister wide grin as she begins to
laugh hysterically once more.
“You all should go and die!!” screams Rin as her
voice echoes in the classroom, chilling the spines of her bullies as they begin
to breathe rapidly from such terror.
Hearing such words, the girls begin to scream to the
top of their lungs and scatter around the classroom to get away from Rin, but
that wouldn’t stop their death penalties from the executor. It only makes Rin
grin wider as it is like a game to her now insane mind.
towards Cherry with full speed, she laughs madly as Cherry tries to avoid from
being catch by Rin’s grip.
“NOOO!!” scream Cherry in terror as she runs and
fall after slipping on the blooded floor.
Now in front of Cherry’s face, Rin just smirks and
tugs on Cherry’s hair like she did to her earlier.
“NO! Please! I’m begging you! No!!” pleads Cherry
now in tears as her eyes begin to redden.
“What? I can’t hear you~” laughs Rin as she smacks
Cherry’s head onto the floor. Screaming from such pain, Cherry begins to regret
what she had done to Rin and now she is suffering from her stupidity act.
screams Cherry in agony as she sobs in tears.
“Bye bye~!” laughs Rin madly as she grabs onto
Cherry’s head, smacking it over and over again onto the hard concrete floor
until the back of her head are smash to pieces as blood begins to pool around
the now dead and fresh corpse.
Standing up as her hands and face are now covering
in fresh kill blood, she runs towards to Felicia as the girl only scream as she
backs away slowly until feeling something is being press onto her back.
“Caught you now~” grins Rin as she steps closer to
Felicia, making the girl whimpers in terror.
“No! Please! I didn’t mean it!” begs Felicia as she
shuts her eyes tightly, hearing only steps coming closer and closer...
“Bye bye...” whispers Rin to Felicia’s ear as she
reaches out to the hook and slides it down to make the glass open.
Smiling, she backs away a little and pushes Felicia
with her shoulder as Felicia’s body smashes to the sharp glass behind her, slicing
every single flesh comes in contact with the glass, including her head that is
now cut in half.
Turning on her heels, she could hear desk is being
pushed away and the locked door is being unlocked from just twisting onto the
door’s knob.
Seeing as Olivia quickly runs out from the
classroom, Rin follows her from behind as she could hear her footsteps echoes
in the empty hallways.
Breathing rapidly as she turns to the left side of
the hall and continues to run until she reaches the stairs, she begins to climb
up until she reaches up to the third floor.
Running now towards to the nurses’ office, she prays
for the door to be unlocked and opens the door as she twist on the door knob to
open it, hearing the door creeks as it is being open.
Quickly, she rushes to the nurse’s desk and takes a
cutter knife as she grips it tightly like her life is depending on it. Then she
runs into the resting room as she crawls under the bed, hiding quietly from the
insane murderer.
Minutes after minutes as she hides under it she
begins to feel drowsy until she hears a sudden creek from the front door.
‘No!! It can’t be!’ she thought terrifyingly as she
covers her mouth with her hand and takes out the cutter knife with the other.
“Where are~ you~?” Rin calls out as she scans the
dark room for a moving and breathing being.
Nothing, there is nothing in here but somehow, she
could sense some presence in the room but faintly.
“I can sense you~ Come out, come out where ever you
are~” chuckles Rin as she walks into the dark resting room and looks around as
she trashes everything onto the floor.
Peeking into the store room, she couldn’t see any moving
being. She continues to search in the resting room as she looks at the empty
bed on the side of the hollow wall.
‘No...She couldn’t find me...I must escape from
here!’ she thought quietly as Olivia slightly trembles from being such close to
a mad killer.
Feeling the sudden urge to sneeze from the dust
under the bed, Olivia tries to hold it in as she clutches both of her hands
into a fist and shuts her eyes tightly.
Still sensing a presence, Rin crouches down quietly
as she could see something under the bed, slightly moving and trembling.
Smiling widely as she would know who it is, she
crawls to it quietly and slowly. Not wanting to make any sound to startle the
third victim.
‘Please, please, please. Oh god...Please help me...’
thought Olivia more as she bites down on her bottom lips to shut her up.
Seeing and hearing a faintly whimper coming from the
darkness under the bed, Rin crawls closer under the bed as she now sees the
hair and the clothes.
‘Hehehe...You’re mine...’ thought Rin madly as she
crawls until reaches to the victim’s resting face.
“Found...You...” whispers Rin as she could see
Olivia’s eyes widely open and her mouth slightly apart from the sudden shock.
Olivia somehow couldn’t scream as if her voice is
being held back and her body is suddenly paralysed from such terror that just
appear in front of her eyes.
“Your...Next...” grins Rin as she grabs onto
Olivia’s feet and drags her out from under the bed as Olivia thrashes and kick,
trying to escape from the death angel that comes to visit upon her.
“No! Please!” she screams and beg as tears flows
down her redden cheeks.
Not listening to such begs, Rin then grabs hold onto
her arms and yank her up, forcing her to stand up and then pushes her to the table
as she laughs madly once more seeing the girl tremble in such fright.
“P-Please!” she begs again and remembers that she
has a weapon with her. Sliding the cutter knife open, she points it to Rin’s
face as her hand trembles to hold it.
“S-Stay back!” she scream as she her free hand
begins to wonder around the table, trying to find something to protect her from
the killer that is now in front her very own eyes.
Rin only could put on her wide grin as she steps a
little closer to Olivia and grabs on her hand that is holding the cutter knife.
Gripping the girl’s hand tightly, she then turns to Olivia and smiles
sinisterly at her as Olivia eyes widen in horror.
“You shouldn’t play with this~ you could hurt
yourself~” laughs Rin madly as she snatches away the cutter knife from Olivia’s
hand and place it on her throat.
Trembling in such fright, Olivia begins to break
into tears as she regrets her acts.
Taking the cutter knife away from her throat, Rin
places it on Olivia cheek and presses the knife onto the skin as it bleeds,
making Olivia screams in pain.
“Stop!” begs Olivia but only gets shut as Rin places
her other hand onto Olivia’s mouth to shut her up.
Rin then brings up the knife to Olivia’s left eye
and begins to push it in into her eye socket as Olivia thrashes and kicks in
Laughing hysterically, she lets go of her other hand
as screams fills up the dark resting room.
“Such beautiful melody to the ears...” chuckles Rin
as she moves down to Olivia’s abdomen place the knife gently on it.
“NOOO!” screams Olivia in agony as she kick and
thrashes more.
Laughing madly, Rin slides the cutter knife to be
longer and then without any warning, she stabs Olivia’s abdomen as the girl
screams in agony. Cutting her skin deeply, Rin drags down the knife until it
reaches to Olivia’s thighs.
Dying slowly from losing a lot of blood from her
body and endless agony from being butcher alive, Olivia’s scream begins to
weaken into whimper as she could barely now breathe.
“Good bye...” laughs Rin madly as she rips Olivia’s
abdomen open with her bare hands and begins to pull out every organs that she
could lay hand onto until there is nothing more but the flesh and the bones
that are left behind.
Dropping the cutter knife to the floor as it clinks
down; Rin holds up her bloody hands and licks it as she enjoys every bit of it
and finally makes a move by walking out from the room without looking back at
her victim as she hungers for more.
Laughing insanely, she runs out from the nurses’
office, rushing down the stairs as her footsteps echoes in the dark silent
Running in the dark and empty hallways, she runs to
the exit as she hears Crickets playing their song in the silent and moonless
Stopping her tracks, she looks to both of her right
and left as she could barely see anything in there dark.
Without looking back, she runs into the darkness as
her footsteps echoes die in the darkness as everything turns to eerie black.
Author's note:
All the characters in here are fictional characters, they don't exist but only in our imagination. Names of the characters are pick randomly from the mind but if your name is in here, then I am truly sorry for doing such thing but that is how I name my characters, I use random names. Thank you for your consideration.
Author's note:
All the characters in here are fictional characters, they don't exist but only in our imagination. Names of the characters are pick randomly from the mind but if your name is in here, then I am truly sorry for doing such thing but that is how I name my characters, I use random names. Thank you for your consideration.

