Friday, July 25, 2014 | 01:19 | 0 comments
Hey there guys~!
I'm now doing some Art Requests from my friends at school and also doing it online for a lovely stranger =w= So in total, you could say I'm doing like 3 or 4 requests for now OwO Woah! This is the first time I have this much requests for a few months now and I don't know whether to be happy or stressed out by the requests XD
But seriously, I'm enjoying myself doing it because I could finally draw something again QwQ Yeyy~!
But the bad thing is....I HAVE LIKE DOZEN OF HOMEWORKS!!!
And I have to complete it in this holidays (I'm having a week of Holiday for Hari Raya) before the school starts to open again. I've finished my Chemistry so, I need to finish MATH, ADD MATH and BIOLOGY and also History Paper 1 with 3 sets before the actual holiday comes up so I can enjoy my time relaxing 
Anyway, I almost forgot to say this too...
I CAN'T FREAKING POST ANY PICTURES OF MY DRAWINGS IN BOTH TUMBLR AND DEVIANART OR EVEN IN THIS BLOG!! Why is that?! Is there a glitch happening right now or something? Please do freaking fix this before I throw away this freaking Laptop to the ground and stomp on it mercilessly and then buy another one to satisfy my freaking anger. Yes, I'm now using Tekhino, my Laptop. So that means my Laptop is also my OC. If this Laptop dies, then Tekhino as well would be dead. You have 2 choices and choose it wisely...*glares deadly to the screen*
But seriously, I'm enjoying myself doing it because I could finally draw something again QwQ Yeyy~!
But the bad thing is....I HAVE LIKE DOZEN OF HOMEWORKS!!!

Anyway, I almost forgot to say this too...
I CAN'T FREAKING POST ANY PICTURES OF MY DRAWINGS IN BOTH TUMBLR AND DEVIANART OR EVEN IN THIS BLOG!! Why is that?! Is there a glitch happening right now or something? Please do freaking fix this before I throw away this freaking Laptop to the ground and stomp on it mercilessly and then buy another one to satisfy my freaking anger. Yes, I'm now using Tekhino, my Laptop. So that means my Laptop is also my OC. If this Laptop dies, then Tekhino as well would be dead. You have 2 choices and choose it wisely...*glares deadly to the screen*
Well, I'm going to sleep because it's already way pass my freaking bedtime and I have to wake up again at 3 in the morning. So...Good night for now.
Bye bye~!
Bye bye~!