
Thursday, July 17, 2014 | 17:33 | 0 comments

I'm learning my favourite foreign language that are German and Italian..I think I would take Romanian as well but until then, I need to understand first the German language. The mother of all the languages that I happen to love for no reason XD But the problem is that I sometimes get really freaking confuse with "Esse" with "Isst" and "Trinkt" with "Trinke" . Is there like Grammar in there? Because when I saw the description from the "Esse", it says that "Is eating" if I was not mistaken. 

So...Yeah..Both of the words sounds almost the same but carries out different Grammar meaning e-e...Okay...This is a little bit hard to consume in XD


Even though you haven't seen my art for a few days, please don't worry about it because I'm doing it in paper rather than in Digital for now because if I do it in Digital, and my mom just walk in into my room without knocking and seeing me with my Tablet, she would then told me to study and continues on with other stuff that would be very important for my future life.

So to avoid that kind of thing happen, I do almost all of the sketches at school. Because on this week, almost the whole week I have to stay late at school until like 3.30 or 5.00 p.m like that. Yeah, it sure does tires me but what can I do? My schedule is now freaking filled up until I can't even sleep peaceful at night anymore. :iconorzplz:

I really hate BIG EXAMS because why? Because they will try to freak you out until your soul is out from your body without you even noticing it...Yeah..I'm having my freaking SPM this year :icondesperateplz: and somehow I have a hard time studying Add Math and Biology for no freaking reasons! Gah! :iconheadacheplz: :icondestroyplz: 

Lolz, I know some of you guys are thinking right now like "If you're having BIG EXAMS, why are you studying those languages?" 

Good question. Why you might ask? Because if I entered some courses in any University they would ask you to take foreign languages class (especially those who takes Business course, they really need some knowledge in other language to succeed their business in other countries.) and I would like to say, I better prepare the freaking basics before I just stare up at the teacher and say "Whaaaaaaa?"

Seriously, at some point my brain can still understand what you're saying but if I'm not in the good condition...Well, I hope you would not kill me if I do something stupid after hearing your talk or instructions. XD

Okay, it's late and tomorrow I have to wake up early again...So...I think I'm going to crash out for now. See you guys later~! 

Buh-bye~! :iconbaibaiplz:

:iconwarmandcomfyplz: Good night~