
Friday, April 4, 2014 | 22:56 | 0 comments

Hey guys~! 


Today, I made another new friend in DevianART. Her username is MysticAzelf but she prefer to call herself Erin instead ^w^ 

She favorite my drawing, and I thanked her for what she had done. So while visiting her profile to thank her, I say her OC or her anime self looks nice. So I thought "Why don't I give it a try and it? Besides, I haven't drawn any other people OCs for a VERY long time."

I asked her if I could draw her and she said yes. She even informed me where I can find the reference to draw it. Now, she can't wait to see it :icononionx3plz: And I too can't wait to get work on it~! But for now, I need to rest because if I don't have enough focus, my art would look like crap :iconrelievedplz:

Sooo....Good night~! See you guys again~! :icononionlullabyplz:

The Writer and An Artist,