
Sunday, March 9, 2014 | 23:58 | 0 comments

I can't wait for the first week of holiday in this three months :la: It's been a long time I haven't felt the joy of holidays except for spending my time playing games and surf the Internet. But usually I use all of my time playing my Xbox =w="...I can't stay away from my Xbox now O.O"...I'm connected with it...I...I wish that thing was alive so I can marry it :iconsobeautifulplz: But when reality strikes in! There was none :iconmiseryplz: *siggghhhhss* 

But anyways, I'll try to finish all of my crazy ideas that I've listed in my Must-Do-Art-List so I won't feel like crazy when I see the listing like I see a freaking pay up bill :iconscaredplz: 

So for now, I will slowly finish the work that I have with me...Seriously.....I wish I can skip every school days and just stay home doing my arts without a care to the world....Yeah...I always wish that sometimes because when I'm at school. I always end up stressed up school works or those afternoon extra activities. . .Yeah..I'm not that kind of girl who loves to do active things when I'm DESPERATELY trying to finish something even though it can be DELAYED. I'm a person that hates to delay work....So...Yeah....You can say I'm freaking crazy like hell trying to finish everything that I've sorted in into my To-Do List =w="...

And for now...I think I need some sleep before I throw some freaking hell tantrum in my room...Yes...I barely get angry...No..I can't calm myself when I'm angry. I will become very vengeful and dangerous when I'm in my tantrum or PMS...Especially when PMS + Hot Season + F.U.E = A nuclear bomb that can destroy the human population on this Earth XD

So.....GOOD NIGHT~! :la: